Effects demo up

May 25th, 2006 - Written by in Using GWT

I just put up my first GWT demo. It’s kind of silly, but it demonstrates the use of the Scriptaculous Effects wrapper created by Robert Hanson. I can put up the source if anyone is interested. I have some ideas for my ZDT project that I’d like to do, but I’m trying to build up my knowledge up with some simple examples first.

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GWT with PHP/MySQL backend

May 23rd, 2006 - Written by in Using GWT

Angel Hurtado wrote a nice tutorial on how to use the GWT with PHP/MySql on the backend. It uses JSON to communicate between client and server.


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GWT Components

May 20th, 2006 - Written by in Using GWT

It looks like some people are starting to put together some GWT components. This site here is attempting to collect all these components into one place. I’ve actually tried the Auto-Completion textbox and it seems to work very well.

Someone else put up a demo of their auto-complete implementation. They mention they will have source for it soon too.

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