September 14th, 2006 - Written by in News
Looks like the folks from Jetbrains, makers of the popular Java IDE IntelliJ IDEA are working on a framework for GWT called GWT Jet. From the original poster on the newsgroup:
Main idea is separate layout and styling from program logic and code it on HTML vs. Java. It seriously decrease time for development of static part of content compare with hard-coding.
They’ve created a sample application at It includes a simple Getting Started and all the source. Unfortunately I don’t see much other documentation. Anyway, try it out.
September 6th, 2006 - Written by in News
The excellent GWT Widget Library by Robert Hanson has been updated. It includes a new Lightbox component which can turn any PopupPanel into a lightbox. Plus the new ProgressBar component sounds really cool. Grab it from the homepage
September 5th, 2006 - Written by in News
The new version of Googlipse is now out and you can download it from
Besides bug fixes, it features:
- Support for gwt-dev-linux.jar on Linux
- Utilizes gwt-servlet.jar (requires GWT 1.1.0 or higher)
- Supports deployment on any external server like websphere, weblogic, tomcat etc (Configured thru Servers view of WTP)
- No need to write ant tasks for creation of war. Export as war
option available