GWT Drag and Drop HowTo

October 12th, 2007 - Written by in Using GWT

The Chaotic Java Blog has a really nice, well-written tutorial on how to do drag and drop with GWT.

Since it might be interesting to some, this post will be about how a generic draggable component can be written. I’ve coded a draggable panel at the time to help make any Widget into a draggable version of itself, and I’ll describe how that was done.

Sure, there already exists the nice , but don’t you want to learn the basics yourself?

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Rocket GWT Framework 0.37 released

October 7th, 2007 - Written by in News

A new version of the has been released today. It features improvements to the basic GWT widget set, better widget and panel authoring and a new Rocket widget event system.

Perhaps the most interesting and different change of this release. All Rocket widgets now receive event objects with methods relevent for the event type. In the case of Basic Widgets its events are all typed according to the actual event type being dispatched. That means no more DOM.eventXXX methods.

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Creating a simple GWT accordion widget

October 3rd, 2007 - Written by in Using GWT

The folks over at Timepedia have put together a neat little tutorial on how to create an accordion control using GWT.

Now, there are a great many accordion controls in third party JS libraries, many of them very slick and full featured, but I found that I didn’t need so many features, and I’m trying to limit the number of pure-JS library wrappers I use in GWT because you lose alot of the benefits of the GWT Compiler when you wrap external JS libraries.

How hard could it be to cook up one in GWT? It turns out, not very hard it all.

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