GWT RPC and Spring

November 13th, 2007 - Written by in Using GWT

Chris Lee has written a blog post which discusses his solution on integrating GWT RPC with Spring 2.x.

The differences from a conventional GWT-RPC service:

  • No requirement to inherit from RemoteServiceServlet (or any other class for that matter)
  • Addition of the annotation to indicate that this bean is an end point for GWT-RPC
    Automagic mapping of URLs (more on this below)
  • Ability to use all of Spring’s DI, AOP and other services on the bean (its no different than any other bean)
  • I’ve chosen to use so that Spring 2.5’s component scanning finds and registers this bean; alternately, could be omitted and the bean simply registered via XML.

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IndicThreads interview with Bruce Johnson

November 6th, 2007 - Written by in News

IndicThreads has posted an interview with GWT Project Lead, Bruce Johnson. It’s an interesting read.

IndicThreads >> What’s the overall direction that GWT is taking?

Bruce Johnson>> We will continue to look for ways to make GWT easier to use and great for interoperating with other client-side technologies while continuing to produce better, faster output. The team is extremely passionate about this mission because we realize that by enabling developers, we are indirectly helping millions of end users, which is very gratifying.

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