April 5th, 2008 - Written by in News
A GWT widget for visualizing time-based events. Now updated to support GWT 1.4.
A framework aimed at simplifying development of database based GWT applications.
Google is hosting their annual developer conference on May 28-29 in San Francisco. It looks like there will be several GWT specific sessions.
This latest release of GChart adds support for pie, line, area, and baseline-based bar charts.
Whirled goes Open Beta
Whirled is a social site for playing games. It was built using a combination of GWT and Flash.
A lightweight ontology browser built with GWT.
Remember to keep up with the latest GWT news by .
April 4th, 2008 - Written by in News
Sanjiv Jivan has just released GWT-Ext 2.0.3. It is filled with all sorts of cool new features including:
Charts - uses YUI charts to create line, bar, pie and column charts.
Mapping API – supports various mapping providers including Google, Yahoo, MapQuest and more.
Portal support – allows you to easily create iGoogle type pages complete with draggable panels and embeddable widgets.
The GWT-Ext showcase demo has been updated with examples of all these new features. Also make sure to check out the User Extensions Showcase which demos many of the user contributions to the library.
April 3rd, 2008 - Written by in News
GWT guru Ray Cromwell has been busy working on a jQuery clone called GQuery, which takes advantage of GWT 1.5’s new features. With it, you can easily perform various DOM manipulations in GWT using a syntax like this:
public void onModuleLoad() {
$("div").css("color", "red").click(new Function() {
public void f(Element e) {
The project page is up at , but Ray is waiting for GWT 1.5 milestone 2 before he releases the code. Check out the rest of his blog post where he discusses in more detail about what he’s done.