Weekly GWT Links 5/31/08

May 31st, 2008 - Written by in News

Of course the big news this week was the announcement of GWT 1.5 RC 1, but here were some of the other GWT related happenings for the week.

  • GwtQuery 0.1 alpha released
    This is Ray Cromwell’s jQuery-like API written in GWT. It is only a partial implementation and not deployable but you can examine the source. Version 0.2 should be out on Monday.

  • From the changelog, looks like this is just a minor release.
  • GWT meeting in Paris
    Didier Girard is setting up a GWT meeting in Paris which will include a half day of training. It’s scheduled for June 4th, so if you happen to in France, check it out.
  • GWT library landscape after the Ext JS license change
    Psyho has posted an opinion piece on his blog about the state of GWT’s widget libraries.

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GWT 1.5 RC1 Released

May 28th, 2008 - Written by in News

Thanks to Thomas Broyer for pointing this out to me, but the first Release Candidate build of GWT 1.5 is already available for download. You can grab it from

For those who haven’t been keeping up with this release, you can read about the details here:

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Google I/O conference tomorrow

May 27th, 2008 - Written by in News

Google I/O conference

The Google I/O conference in San Francisco is starting tomorrow and there’s going to be a lot of GWT related content presented. Most of the GWT team will be flying in from Atlanta and I’m hearing rumors that this is where they will be announcing the final release of GWT 1.5. So is anyone going to be attending? We would all be interested in hearing a full account of how it goes.

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