Weekly GWT Links For 8/30/08

August 30th, 2008 - Written by in News

Ext Gwt 1.1 Webdesktop

Of course the big news this week was the release of GWT 1.5, but there was a lot of other GWT related news as well.

  • Ext GWT 1.1 Alpha 3 released
    It looks like the next version of Ext GWT will include some cool new features. Two of them are called WebDesktop and Portals.

  • I saw this on the forums and it looks like it has a lot of potential. Check out the slick looking demo.
  • GWT Generator Experiments – 2
    Alex Moffat continues his excellent series discussing GWT Generators.

  • Now supporting GWT 1.5 and Eclipse 3.4.
  • Creating Custom Google Maps Overlays with GWT Widgets
    A useful little tutorial if you do any work with Google Maps and GWT.

  • The Google API Libraries include GWT support for Google Gears, Google Gadgets and the Google Ajax Search API.
  • Giving GWT a Spring in its Step
    Although there are other guides out there, David Kuhn has written a nice article on integrating GWT and Spring.

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GWT 1.5 Is Out

August 28th, 2008 - Written by in News

Well, it’s finally here! It’s been more than five months since it was first announced, but today is the day we can finally get our hands on the final release of GWT 1.5. Congrats to the GWT team and the whole GWT community for making this release happen.

Since GWT manager, Bruce Johnson can do a much better job explaining all the new features of this release than I can, go check out the for the official announcement. For those others who can’t wait, here’s the official .

Now that the final release of GWT 1.5 is here, what do you want to see in the next version? :)

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Weekly GWT Links for 8/23/08

August 23rd, 2008 - Written by in News

Smart Client Showcase App

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