Google I/O conference tomorrow

May 27th, 2008 - Written by in News

Google I/O conference

The Google I/O conference in San Francisco is starting tomorrow and there’s going to be a lot of GWT related content presented. Most of the GWT team will be flying in from Atlanta and I’m hearing rumors that this is where they will be announcing the final release of GWT 1.5. So is anyone going to be attending? We would all be interested in hearing a full account of how it goes.

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Weekly GWT Links For 5/24/08

May 24th, 2008 - Written by in News

Sorry for missing the past couple editions of Weekly GWT Links.

  • Load test : Google App Engine = 1, Community = 0
    Didier Girard has posted the results from his Google App Engine + GWT load test that was performed yesterday. He also includes some interesting application scaling tips he received from Pete Koomen, Product Manager on the Google App Engine Team.

  • A new GWT widget written by Oliver Zoran which adds cross-browser support for HTML Canvas.
  • New GWT-Ext commiters
    Sanjiv Jivan introduces the new GWT-Ext project owners, Mario Lim and Abhijeet Maharana who will be taking over for Sanjiv on the project.
  • Building GWT Comet based web app using Grizzly Comet
    Sun Microsystem’s Jean-Francois Arcand has posted his JavaOne BOF presentation about writing real-time web applications using GWT and Comet.

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Stress Testing GWT and Google App Engine

May 20th, 2008 - Written by in News

Qwerty - GWT and Google App Engine typing game

Didier Girard of is conducting an experiment with a game that he wrote called Qwerty. Qwerty is a simple speed typing game written using GWT and Google App Engine. It is a standard coded app with no special performance optimizations and Didier is trying to see if this combination can withstand “slashdot effect” type traffic.

This is an interesting experiment so come out and participate. The test starts this Friday, May 23rd at 7 AM PST. (check your timezone) Just make sure you have a Google Account and visit See if you can beat my score of 207. =)

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