Create an RSS app using the GWT History Mechanism

February 24th, 2008 - Written by in Using GWT

Over at developerlife, Nazmul Idris has posted a new tutorial titled, GWT Tutorial – Using History mechanism to create an RSS reader app.

This tutorial is meant to show you how to write an application that uses history. The Managing History and Hyperlinks tutorial gives you the background information you need, and shows you how to “think” about History when building your GWT app. This tutorial takes the next step and shows you a sample application that uses history to load an RSS feed. There are other ways to pass parameters to GWT apps that don’t involve using the History mechanism. However, the application in this tutorial will take this approach.

developer life rss reader
There are a bunch of useful techniques in this article, so check it out.

2 Comments Stumble it!


Comment by jac
2008-02-24 12:11:53

Nice. Apparently it’s down.

Comment by Chris Fong
2008-02-25 00:23:02

No, it is not down. It was my mistake. Unfortunately I seem to be lacking basic linking skills. =) The link is now fixed.