Effects demo up

May 25th, 2006 - Written by in Using GWT

I just put up my first GWT demo. It’s kind of silly, but it demonstrates the use of the Scriptaculous Effects wrapper created by Robert Hanson. I can put up the source if anyone is interested. I have some ideas for my ZDT project that I’d like to do, but I’m trying to build up my knowledge up with some simple examples first.

5 Comments Stumble it!


Comment by Robert Hanson
2006-05-27 07:35:05

Nice demo. I am working on getting the project up on SourceForge. I’ll let you know if/when the project gets approved.

P.S. – check out the Google-Analytics tags on the page… looks like you missed a closing script tag.

Comment by Ian
2006-08-16 13:34:32

Very nice demo, I’ve been having some problems getting all the effects to work like this. Certain effects such as Grow work fine, however others like BlindUp/Down, SlideUp/Down don’t seem to work at all. I noticed you created a specific effectPanel for this and offered to post the source code. Would you be able to do this? I’m a bit stuck at the moment!

Comment by wsdice707
2006-10-27 03:49:53

Can you please put up the source of your example.

Comment by Jon Sharp
2006-10-30 07:21:54

I would also like to see the source for this demo. Thanks!

Comment by Shyamal
2007-01-13 06:10:31

Please publish/send me the source code for Scriptaculous effects like scale using GWT. I just cannot get it working. fade works but not scale.