Getting started

May 18th, 2006 - Written by in Using GWT

So I finally had some time to download the Google Web Toolkit SDK. My first disappointment was that there is no Mac version, so I couldn’t use my brand spanking new mac mini. Oh well. Windows it is.

The first problem I encountered was getting the thing to run in Eclipse. The says:

Just click the green “Run” button at the top of the window to start your project in .

I clicked my green button but there were no launch configurations. I didn’t see any mains or anything so off I went to the discussion forum. I finally found this that discusses my exact problem. Basically, you need to copy your .launch file into your workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.debug.core\.launches directory. That will cause a launch configuration to show up. Bingo. I’m off and running now.

Update 5/19/06: I did an install of the gwt toolkit on another computer and the launch configuration did appear automatically. Maybe I’m just blind. :)

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