Google I/O conference tomorrow

May 27th, 2008 - Written by in News

Google I/O conference

The Google I/O conference in San Francisco is starting tomorrow and there’s going to be a lot of GWT related content presented. Most of the GWT team will be flying in from Atlanta and I’m hearing rumors that this is where they will be announcing the final release of GWT 1.5. So is anyone going to be attending? We would all be interested in hearing a full account of how it goes.

4 Comments Stumble it!


Comment by Thomas Broyer
2008-05-28 02:29:38

Aha, they’ve put 1.5.0 (RC1 actually) on a few hours before you posted this item, you’re a little bit late ;-)

Comment by Patrick
2008-05-28 13:26:19

Why do all the download link on this page say ‘Deprecated’?

Comment by Chris Fong
2008-05-29 06:42:30

It just means that this is not production-ready code.

2008-07-11 11:24:16

Do you know when they will be production ready?