GWT 1.1 Beta Released

August 12th, 2006 - Written by in News

As promised, the latest version of GWT has been released. You can download it from .

Here are some of the new features (from the readme):

  • FileUpload widget
    The much-requested file upload widget
  • FormPanel widget
    Easily submit traditional HTML forms from GWT apps
  • RPC optimizations
    Client and server performance improvements and a more compact wire format
  • Automatic Resource Injection
    Modules can contain references to external JavaScript and CSS files, causing them to be automatically loaded when the module itself is loaded
  • Internationalization
    Easily localize strings and formatted messages
  • XML classes
    An XML library based on the W3C DOM
  • JSON classes
    JSON has moved into gwt-user.jar, and it’s much faster than the sample that shipped with 1.0.21
  • JUnit enhancements
    Unit tests are much, much faster than in 1.0.21, easier to configure, and you can now test asynchronous things like RPCs and timers
  • Javadoc
    Now included for your convenience, with sample code fragments
  • gwt-servlet.jar
    Although you should continue to build against gwt-user.jar as always, you only need to deploy gwt-servlet.jar with your webapps; it contains the subset of gwt-user.jar you’ll need to support RPC

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