GWT Java Ajax Programming Book Review

March 28th, 2007 - Written by in News

There’s a review of the book GWT Java Ajax Programming up today on Slashdot. The reviewer Simon Kehle, gives it an 8 out of 10 and seems to think that the book is well worth getting.

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Comment by Ryan
2007-04-17 20:57:47

I recently ordered this from , I was told it was ordered to print. so I expected 6-8 weeks to receive it. I actually got it in 2 weeks which was cool.

The book is very informative, written by someone who understands the purpose and specifics of the GWT. The english in it, isn’t the greatest.

There is an assumed knowledge of JAVA.
there is also an assumed knowledge of other parts of the webstack. I certainly wouldn’t recommend this for total beginners to any web programming.

I am only in the first few chapters.. but for addressing
- the big picture
- specific examples
- problems worked through and explained

I would agree the book is a 8 of 10.

At this point in time, I couldn’t find any other options, so for early adopters, it’s worth the spend.