Weekly GWT Links For 5/3/08

May 3rd, 2008 - Written by in News

  • Update on future direction of GWT-Ext
    Unfortunately, Sanjiv is stepping down as GWT-Ext project lead. According to my informal poll, most people would like to stick with GWT-Ext so I hope the project can continue to remain viable.

  • Emite is a new library that can be used to build xmpp based services. It also includes a complete instant messaging, presence and multi-user chat implementation.
  • Gwt-Ext and Google Maps II (handle click)
    Abhijeet Maharana has written another blog post on using Gwt-Ext’s Google Maps functionality.
  • TypeRacer
    This is an interesting game built using GWT. Show off your typing skills by racing against other players.
  • Ext GWT 1.0 Beta 2 released
    The latest release of Ext GWT includes several new features and bug fixes.
  • GWTLib 0.1.1 released
    GWTLib is a new widget library. It currently just includes a table widget, but hopefully we’ll see some more widgets in the future.

Remember to keep up with the latest GWT news by .

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GWT in Practice available in print

May 2nd, 2008 - Written by in News

GWT In Practice

The ebook version has already been available for a couple of weeks, but the print version of GWT in Practice is now available for order on the Manning website. You will also get the ebook free, when you order the print version. GWT In Practice is written by Robert Cooper and Charlie Collins who are the creators of the and are active members of the GWT community. The book is aimed at more advanced users of GWT and covers practical topics such as:

  • Communicating with servers using GWT RPC, XML, JSON, SOAP, streaming, and Comet.
  • Integrating with Legacy and Third-Party Javascript libraries.
  • Packaging, deployment, and distribution.
  • Integration with J2EE technologies such as JPA, Spring and Hibernate.
  • Testing and Continuous Integration.

I have the ebook version and so far I’ve read up to Chapter 8. I will post a review once I finish. If you are looking for the book on Amazon, it is supposed to be in-stock on May 15th.

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Introducing XSketch!

May 1st, 2008 - Written by in News


Ryan Dewsbury is at again. This time he’s built a multiplayer GWT based Pictionary game called XSketch. If you’ve played GPokr or KDice you’ll notice the resemblence in layout to his previous two games. The gameplay is simple enough. One player gets a word, and the other players try to guess what the word is from the drawing. If a player guesses right, both the player and sketcher get points. If no one guesses the drawing, then the sketcher loses points. Play continues around the table.

I haven’t actually started playing yet, but just watching the gameplay is actually quite entertaining. Ryan continues to amaze me with his GWT wizardry. All of his games have been featured on Techcrunch and it looks like Michael Arrington is a big fan. I would suggest he write a book… oh wait, he .

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