Ext GWT, GWT-Ext. What now?

April 30th, 2008 - Written by in Opinion

Unless you were stuck in a cave this past week, you know about the emergence of Ext GWT and the entire Ext JS GPL licensing debate. We had GWT-Ext’s Sanjiv Jivan weigh in, followed by Ext JS creator Jack Slocum’s heated response. While the whole soap opera is somewhat fascinating, I’m more interested in how these new developments will affect the GWT community’s two most popular widget libraries.

Now that Ext GWT is dual licensed, will people now continue to support it by buying commercial licenses? Ext GWT is certainly a nice library and Darrell deserves to be supported for his work. However it seems like there may be a certain level of mistrust over the license change and there are certainly a subset of people that can’t or won’t go with a commercial solution.

I know Sanjiv remains committed to keeping GWT-Ext under the LGPL and is working hard on resolving potential issues. However, if GWT-Ext remains stuck with Ext JS 2.0.2 (the last LGPL version), will it remain viable as time passes? In one of his arguments, Jack points out that when Firefox 3 and IE 8 come out, it may cause issues for 2.0.2 users. Sanjiv has stated that the library will continue to expand with other features like “Tibco Message Bus, Fusion Charts, Pipes, Extensions, and more”, but will that be enough?

With these changes and uncertainty, will new alternatives appear in the GWT widget library space? Currently, GWT-Ext and Ext-GWT are easily the best looking, and most polished projects we have. There are still projects like GWT Widget Library, and a few others, but in my opinion they are a step down from the first two. It seems like this is a new opportunity for a new library to emerge, perhaps using one of the other major javascript libraries like YUI, JQueryUI or MooTools? Or maybe a new one will be written from scratch like this new GWTLib project or my new ExMyGWTExt library (just kidding).

So what do you think? I’ve stuck a poll down here at the bottom and I’m interested in finding out what the communities’ response will be to the whole situation.

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Weekly GWT Links for 4/26/08

April 26th, 2008 - Written by in News


  • It looks like this latest release includes a variety of small improvements and bug fixes.
  • Minichat Web client
    An embeddable chat client for your website built using GWT and XMPP. No source is available yet, but there are instructions on how to install it on your own website.

  • This library includes support for the AJAX Search, Google Gadgets, Google Gears and Google Maps APIs. With this release, the developers have split each API into its own individual distribution.
  • Using OpenID within GWT
    OpenID is an easy way to create a single digital identity across the internet. Aviad Ben Dov has written a nice tutorial on how to use this authentication mechanism in a GWT application.
  • Test driven development for GWT UI code with asynchronous RPC
    Rob Van Maris has written a nice post on how to perform GWT UI testing using EasyMock.

Remember to keep up with the latest GWT news by .

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Ext GWT 1.0 Beta released

April 21st, 2008 - Written by in News


The library formerly known as MyGWT is now being released under a new name, Ext GWT. It is also now officially part of the Ext JS product line. For those who haven’t tried it yet, Ext GWT is a really nice, easy to use widget library for GWT. This new version supports GWT 1.5 and all the Java 1.5 features that come with it.

It looks like the MyGWT page is unaccessible now, which is a shame since I think there was a lot of good information on the old forums. Ext GWT, GWT-Ext, it’s all getting confusing now…

  • Ext GWT homepage
  • Explorer Demo


It looks like the change to a GPL license for Ext JS and Ext GWT is causing quite a bit of discussion.

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