Some new stuff

August 10th, 2006 - Written by in News

GWT Widget Library 0.0.8 was released earlier today. It features:

  • Added SimpleDateFormat (Jason Essington)
  • Added CookieUtils (Brian Glick)
  • Added TFlexTable to fix removeRow() bug (Iancu Mihai)
  • Fixed GWTSpringController for NPE in hosted-mode (George

Robert Hanson has also put up a new version of the GWT API Map which is hosted by Nubgames. You can now click on the boxes and get the source code for the different objects on the map.

I just saw the announcement of a framework for GWT called .

Gems is to GWT, kind of like how Apache Struts is to the Servlet API. The Gems framework provides a simple, consistent mechanism for extending GWT to build large applications with a small set of common patterns.

I havn’t tried it yet, but it sounds interesting. Here is a screenshot of the fish-eye-bar widget.

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