Weekly GWT Links for 1/13/08

January 13th, 2008 - Written by in News

It was a relatively slow news week in the GWT world. Here were some of the more noteworthy things I found.

  • Web Service Programming for the Masses, Part II: Developing the RIA – Ryan Heaton shows how to create a GWT app with an embedded Flash component.
  • Who needs GWT On Rails? – InfoQ has a short interview up with Jon Crosby, the creator of the project.
  • Create “Hello World” with IDEA – For IntelliJ IDEA users, developerlife has a tutorial up on creating and running GWT projects in IDEA.
  • – This library gives you the ability to “jsonize” your JavaBean objects so you can convert them to JSON strings and back again.
  • – This project “aims to make easier to do what you want to do with GWT.” There are some interesting pieces in here including a UI Generator which will generate a UI from your domain objects, Reflection support, and GWT Acegi integration.

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