Weekly GWT Links for 1/26/08
January 26th, 2008 - Written by in News
I spent some time this past week tweaking the layout of the site. I think it looks a bit cleaner than the old version. Anyway, onto the GWT links of this week!

- – Video of Dion Almaer interview with the developers of Compiere, the world’s number one open source ERP application. Includes a demonstration of the application at the end.
- GWT Image.prefetch memory leak and suggestions for improvement – Dietrich Kappe talks about the memory leak in GWT’s Image.prefetch() method and his way of improving it.
- GWT: Increase Java heap – Francis Hans E. Mohan discussing how he dealt with the dreaded OutOfMemoryError message when compiling his GWT application.
- GWT Java AJAX Programming Book Review – DZone has posted a review of this book by Prabhakar Chaganti. The reviewer gives it a positive review.
- Build User Interfaces Using Google Web Toolkit – Video of Chris Schalk’s session presented at the IndicThreads.com Conference On Java Technology in India last October. The slides are also available.
- Interview: Didier Girard, are GWT and Volta GCC for the Web? – InfoQ has an interview with Didier Girard of ongwt.com talking about GWT and Microsoft’s Volta. Really nice read.
- GWT Trends – Didier Girard has posted an interesting set of graphs comparing GWT to other Ajax frameworks.
- Book Review: Google Web Toolkit Solutions – Brian Tanaka has a review of David Geary’s book Google Web Toolkit Solutions on Computerworld. Overall, he recommends this book.
- GWT Shows Momentum With the Creation of Numerous Open Source Framework Projects – RJ Lorimer has written up a nice description of some of the various GWT open source libraries.
- GWT In Action Book Review – Erik van Oosten has a negative review of the book GWT In Action on his blog.
Make sure to keep up with the latest GWT developments by .
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