Weekly GWT Links For 8/2/08
August 2nd, 2008 - Written by in News
I apologize for the lack of updates over the past 6 weeks. But I’m back now.
Great article by Bruce Johnson explaining the new JavaScript overlay types that were introduced in GWT 1.5. -
Samantha Lemonnier from the Google Health team shares her team’s experience with deciding upon and ultimately using GWT for their project. -
Speeding up the GWT compiler Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Olivier has an interesting blog post about speeding up the GWT compiler by trying to reduce the number of permutations in his gwt module file. -
Khun Yee Fung shares his experiences on the GWT group with building his GWT based job site (http://www.careercommons.com) -
Restlet ported to GWT!
With the introduction of generics in GWT 1.5 RC1, the Restlet API has now been ported over to GWT.
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