Weekly GWT Links For 9/6/08
September 6th, 2008 - Written by in News
Hey guys, I’m preparing to launch a new GWTSite contest this Monday. There’s going to be lots of cool prizes to be won so make sure you come back on Monday to check it out.
Gwt-incubator – what’s in it?
For those of you who haven’t checked out the GWT Incubator in awhile, Tim over at GWT Now has written a post showing some of the various widgets that have been developed so far. -
GWT and OSGi
Ian Bull has written a nice, short guide on how to setup GWT and OSGi together. -
If you use any of Fred’s libraries, download the updates so you can use them with GWT 1.5. -
Learn more about how to make your GWT apps more easily accessible. -
Wicket and GWT compared with code
Paul Thomas has done a really interesting case study comparing Wicket and GWT. -
This project makes the Adobe Air API available to your GWT projects via JSNI. It also provides tooling to make GWT + AIR development easier.
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