Yet another GWT book
March 2nd, 2007 - Written by in News
This one is called GWT Java AJAX Programming by Prabhakar Chaganti and published by Packt Publishing. The books approach is:
Each chapter covers a series of practical tasks, showing how to achieve a particular useful result – and then learn how it works so that you can apply your knowledge to your own unique situation.
From the author, here is a list of tasks covered by this book:
- Download and install GWT
- Explore the GWT samples
- Generate new applications with and without Eclipse support
- Create a Random Quote AJAX application
- Running in web and hosted modes
- Create Service definition interfaces
- Create a Service implementation
- Consume a Service
- Live Search
- Password Strength Checker
- Auto fill forms
- Dynamic Lists
- Flickr style editable label
- Pageble tables
- Editable tree nodes
- Log Spy
- Sticky Notes
- Mona Lisa Jigsaw puzzle
- Integrate Moo.fx
- Rico Rounded corners
- Rico Color selector
- Scriptaculous effects
- Custom calendar widget
- Custom weather widget
- Testing a GWT page
- Testing an async service
- Create and run a test suite
- I18N
- Create and parse xml on client side
- Manual deployment to Tomcat
- Automated deployment to Tomcat using Ant
- Deployment from Eclipse
The book is available now in paper and ebook form.
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