A couple new releases

October 25th, 2007 - Written by in News

John Gunther has released his which is a GWT based charting solution. Be sure to check out the gallery to see what this library can do.

GChart example screenshot

The slick looking MyGWT library released it 0.3.0 alpha 1 version yesterday. There are several API changes that may break your existing code. Unlike previous versions, MyGWT now handles events in the standard GWT way.

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GWT and XForms

October 19th, 2007 - Written by in Using GWT

Michael Galpin’s four part tutorial on XForms and GWT is now available on the IBM developerWorks site.

Part 1: Introducing GWT’s JavaScript Native Interface
Part 2: Creating an artist and album management form
Part 3: Using GWT to create XForms
Part 4: Creating interactive forms with GWT and XForms

For those not familiar with the technology, XForms is the next generation standard for building HTML forms. One of its strengths is that it enables the separation of your form’s business logic from its presentation. So check out these tutorials and learn something.

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GWT Drag and Drop HowTo

October 12th, 2007 - Written by in Using GWT

The Chaotic Java Blog has a really nice, well-written tutorial on how to do drag and drop with GWT.

Since it might be interesting to some, this post will be about how a generic draggable component can be written. I’ve coded a draggable panel at the time to help make any Widget into a draggable version of itself, and I’ll describe how that was done.

Sure, there already exists the nice , but don’t you want to learn the basics yourself?

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