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Slashdot review of GWT in Action

August 29th, 2007 - Written by in News

Just saw on Slashdot another review of the book GWT in Action. The reviewer, Michael Ross is quite a bit more negative about the book than previous reviews. Although he thought the book was full of practical information, he found the book to be disjointed and disorganized.

The coverage of topics is generally quite thorough, though at times verbose and redundant — particularly in Chapter 2, though it is certainly not limited to that chapter. The second and third paragraphs in Chapter 3, for instance, continue the repetitious style which is found in many places throughout the book, and likely has made it longer than necessary.

The review is quite long and thorough so check it out if you’re interested in purchasing the book.

GWT in Action book cover

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2007-09-12 06:34:41

[...] I just saw another review of GWT in Action, this time by Michael Smolyak on Javalobby. This review is quite detailed and contrasts with the more negative Slashdot review. Hanson and Tacy have created a very readable and detailed introduction to the Google Web Toolkit. The thoroughness with which they designed examples to illustrate every concept dealt with in the book and the scope of the topics addressed in it makes GWT in Action a valuable addition to any Web developer library. [...]